Music Is Better When It’s Made... Together

Music is meant to be played

Many of us will go our entire lives without being able to feel the feeling that I wish I could convey to you, the reader. The feeling of grabbing your gear, throwing it in your car, and making the trip to a local hole-in-the-wall where noise can be made without the police being called. After all the cables are plugged in and gear set up, you find yourself surrounded by a group of individuals whom you consider your friends. You view them as considerably better than you are at the specific forms of art and expression which they are responsible for in this group - that is why they are there. Each person is considered a “band member”. This is a title that is only bestowed to another on the basis of merit and skill; an indication of the mutual respect which is earned amongst the group through the demonstration of skill and passion. Each band member knows that, every time they find themselves in this sacred moment, there is no time to waste on sour notes and wrong fills. It’s time to bring their “A-Game”. Then it happens: the count off, the intro chords, the fill into the one. All members know what they have to do. Out of what seems to be chaos, comes something incredible… music. Music that is made. Not just something played. Played music and made music are two different experiences.

Played music and Made music are two different experiences.

This phenomenon has not always been incorporated holistically into our contemporary, modern era. Rather, it was first more commonly found taking place in the more “orderly” and “formal” environments - orchestra pits, theatres, schools, playhouses, etc. From there, people began to create additional venues and platforms where the art of playing and expressing themselves through music could be appreciated and known. However, instrumental music played together is just part of our history. The incredible experience of playing a musical instrument is something that can even include the use of the human voice. Built into the human body is perhaps one of the most incredible musical instruments; when joined together with others, it can - if “played” correctly - create sounds that seem to transcend reality. And in our modern times, we are able to take musical expression to even greater heights. One thing, though, holds true, regardless: music made with other humans bonds us together like mother and child. The listener and the maker are brought into a room to sit, together. Just for a moment, all occupants put everything else on pause and enjoy an environment free from the distraction of indifference.

I know that, in our current climate of isolation due to viruses and health precautions, we have had to figure out new normals. The use of technology has increased, and our digital communication has been undeniably enhanced. Here at the 402 Lesson Studio, our Artists Instructors have pivoted very well, not to mention our students! We are currently serving over half of our students virtually, while others have chosen to return to lessons in person. I only hope that we continue to hold tight to our human experiences that make us bond together and live together. Humans were created to live together.

Humans were created to live together.

Music Lessons change lives

I don’t ever want to push my faith on anyone; however, I believe this may be encouraging to someone out there reading this. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ for the better part of my life. Over the course of that time, I have wrestled with many aspects of God, good and evil, right and wrong, and the meaning of life. In my study of many world religions, I have come to conclude that the one historical event which I simply cannot explain away is the Christ event - the moment in time when God took the form of a man, and came and walked among the people whom He himself created.

[Jhn 1:14 NASB] 14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Why did He do this? Well, that’s for another time - and if you are ever interested to know, I would love to share. However, one important and resounding aspect of the “why” behind Him doing what He did, was to bring us a plan that will ultimately bring us into what this entire article is centered around: BEING TOGETHER! Did you know that it’s mentioned, in the ancient text which we call the Bible, that we are created for the very purpose of creative expression? But wait… there’s more… we are created to do it TOGETHER! We are not supposed to be solo artists; we are supposed to be band members. Check out what a guy named Paul wrote to a little church that resided in a town called Ephesus while he was in prison in Rome around 62AD:

[Eph 5:18-21 NASB] 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; 20 always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father; 21 and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.

Isn’t it interesting that, according to this text, one way in which we avoid dangerous addictions and proclivities in life is to sing together?? Could this actually be true? Well, reader, you should give it a try. It’s a fact, proven through history and the human experience, that when we play (music) together, we stay together. Our lives don’t fall apart. We have each other. When we are struggling to play our notes, or we don’t feel like making a sound, we simply look to our right and to our left and see our fellow band members - and we are inspired to once again lift our voice. We offer our melody; our sound; our song.

It’s a fact, proven through history and the human experience, that when we play (music) together, we stay together.

If you are reading this today and are struggling with your creative confidence, let someone here at the 402 help you. Our passion is to see people “join the band” and play with excellence. In today’s culture, you will see many promotions of “creative expression” which are actually just focused on individualism and selling a product. It’s the message of “all I need in life is myself”. The truth is, if you know why you are in the band in the first place, you understand that it’s not about you… but about the song being created.

The truth is, if you know why you are in the band in the first place, you understand that it’s not about you… but about the song being created.

Why do I share this? Why do I even mention my faith when I’m talking about this subject? It’s because, in a world that has over 4300 different religions, I believe that I have found something right - I have found someone right - Jesus. Why am I so sure? Because I just don’t believe that a person is able to really understand their role in life without knowing Him. If you join the band of the world, you will be playing music with a lot of people; but everyone is playing their own song. If you join the band of yourself, you will be playing music by yourself in the end. If you join the band Jesus talked about - the one in which we were all created to be playing in, together - then you will join in the song that you were designed to play, together with all the others who have found the truth. Your sound is special, and needed.

Your sound is special, and needed.

I dream about a culture ten, twenty years from now that our children can enjoy; one that is still making music… together. Thanks for reading.

- Ben Shafer


Arts Education teaches important life skills
